Never Let Her Die

I still remember the day
She took her flight;
Promising herself for each of her tear to pay
She became her own armour, her own knight.

Striving through the sweat and knives;
Dodging every thorn as simply as flying a kite.
Tasting the honey from oh-so-easy beehives;
She fights for herself, all day and night.

Sitting at the edge of a seashore;
A beautiful wave came so alluring.
She tries hard to let go but it was so tough to ignore;
Drowning inside, she felt herself adoring.

Beauty was dangerous,
She knew it too well.
Yet, she fell into the fuss,
‘I got this.’ is all she could tell.

She never knew how to swim
But, getting her senses, making efforts;
She tries to get up to the brim,
Trying to leave the beauty even tho it hurts.

She figured out, she couldn’t leave the sea;
She couldn’t let herself fall in either.
An amazing idea popped up;
She learned to swim and fly altogether.

Yes, A fear of losing her was always there
But, she never let her fear guide her;
Setling everything up layer by layer
She never let her originality stir.

At the end of the day
It was all she could say;
“Diving in the lows, or flying in the highs,
All I gotta do is to Never Let Her Die.”

Photo by alexandre saraiva carniato on

Whether you fall or fly, All that matters is to never let yourself die.


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